18 Kasım 2012 Pazar

The long, long learning curve in Arizona …

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           Earlier this month, weposted here about how Maricopa County, Arizona had sent outSpanish-language instructions with its Voter ID cards that wrongly stated theelection takes place on Nov. 8.  In fact,as the English-language instructions made clear, it’s Nov. 6.
            But hey,anybody can make one mistake.
            Except nowthe county has made the same mistake again, and once again it involves onlymaterial printed in Spanish. 
            Accordingto The Huffington Post:
abookmark distributed by the elections department … was passed along to HuffPoston Tuesday by minority advocacy group Campaign for Community Change.  It says, "Register today!Exercise your right to V-O-T-E!" and goes on to list important dates. 
            Once again,the English language bookmarks had the correct date, Nov. 6, while some of theSpanish language bookmarks said Nov. 8. The story continues:
YvonneReed, spokesperson for the Maricopa County Department of Elections, toldHuffPost that some of the Spanish-language notices were incorrect because thedepartment used the election date from last year, but that they are no longerbeing distributed.
            WhileMaricopa County seems to be having an extremely difficult time gettingmaterials out in Spanish to help people vote, a group in Maryland has had notrouble at all producingfliers warning noncitizens that it would be a crime for them tovote.  They warn of possible fines, jailtime, and/or deportation – as if the one thing a noncitizen wants to do most iscall attention to himself by voting illegally.
            The group issupporting a referendum to prevent implementation of Maryland’s DREAM Act, alaw providing in-state tuition to the undocumented immigrant students.  The group had no problem printing its flier in Spanish – and French, Chinese andKorean.
            Perhaps it’sall a matter of motivation.

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