17 Şubat 2013 Pazar

Suit By Church Seeks TRO Against Dissident Faction

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The Toledo Blade reports on a lawsuit filed February 1 by a Toledo, Ohio congregation-- the Southern Baptist Missionary Church--  against 13 church members who attempted in a contested January 28 meeting to remove Lemuel A. Quinn as pastor.  Background on the dispute is furnished in a Commentary by the Blade's religion editor. The suit claims that the defendants have filed false police reports and have physically threatened church members. It claims that one member physically assaulted Quinn during a church service, and that defendants have circulated false rumors that Quinn died in order to reduce attendance. Defendants say that Quinn has been deceitful about his 1973 conviction for manslaughter, and has been threatening to some members. So far, attempts by the judge to mediate the dispute have not been successful. A hearing has been scheduled For. Feb. 25 by Common Pleas Court judge James Bates who says he hopes he will not be required to decide who the church's pastor is.

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