This is very disturbing to me in particular when our politicians want to jump around and turn up about being ready to protect human rights in Syria, yet seem to have money for Israel and not the millions of American citizens suffering at home. Not to forget all the time proclaiming we should stand for what is just around the world as the preeminent nation state in the world but say nothing when Jews call Africans nigger and beat them violently like the righteous citizens of Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi did to African Americans. Susan Rice even has the audacity to get on her high horse suggesting action in Syria will never even mentioning the Sudan or what African immigrants are suffering under the rule of the world’s only Zionist state.
In the predominately black neighborhood of Hatikva large groups of nationalist protesters who are vehemently open against African migrants have instigated a reign of terror similar to Nazi and KKK hate groups of past around the world. The Jewish protesters claim the Africans are responsible for a rise in crime, and were holding signs that read "This is not Africa" and "Stop talking, start expelling". They even yelled "Blacks out!" and "Send the Sudanese back to Sudan".
The mob set fires and smashed the windows of shops owned by Eritrean migrants, threw rocks at them and violently beat up Africans walking through the streets. According to one Nigerian witness, "A group of about 10 or 15 boys stopped one black kid cycling on his bike. They pulled him off and were punching and kicking him in his head. The police just stood and watched until it got really out of control." The even beat women carrying their infants and stopped buses to search for African passengers.
The United States gives more military aid to Israel than to any other country, although there is really not in the national interests of the United States or any net strategic advantage to the U.S. in sending weapons to Israel when compared to spending the same amount of money on improvements at home. Why is the question because the state of Israel and Zionism is the antithesis of democracy?Factually speaking, Zionism is a racist political philosophy in the same vein as Nazism, and Apartheid. As a nation, the daily actions often consist of those we once saw in South Africa. These include millions of non-Jews who are under curfew and blockade, starving and brutalized, in the Middle East's only colonized state. This is not a wild exaggeration when we study the writings and speeches of racist Vladamir Jabotinsky, father of revisionist Zionism.
Zionism like racism espouses an independent and sovereign Jewish state, in a land where there is no Jewish majority and exists only insofar as it has been allowed to expelled the people of Palestine from their homes, although it is against their basic human right guaranteed by Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Meaning it is impossible for such to be a democratic principle when only one community and people benefit from such and not others. I can say this with ease being a logically thinking person since facts demonstrate that Zionism absolutely requires that Palestinians and even Africans, as non-Jews, were forced to leave in 1948 and never be allowed to return - blatant racism.
What these recent attacks on Africans show are that all who are not Jewish in a Zionist state will be confronted with considerable discrimination. It is even more lucid and totally obvious the force behind the policies of the present and all past Israeli governments in Israel and in the occupied lands was designed and implemented to assure the predominance of Jews over other racial-ethnic groups. For when a powerful nation like Israel that “kills hundreds of civilians from another ethnic group; confiscates their land; builds vast housing complexes on that land for the exclusive use of its own nationals” and does not offer equal protection to non Jews, that is not democracy but racist.
What has just happened and continues today, without any major media news coverage is racism at its worse. In particular when speakers at such events include prominent politicians, like Knesset ministers Miri Regev, Danny Danon, Yari Lev

There are around 60,000 African asylum seekers in Israel, most from Eritrea and Sudan. Although she did not retract her statements, Ms Regev stated "Israel should adopt the US protocol of returning infiltrators to the border within 72 hours ... Jews and Israelis are scared of living in their country," she said although only non-Jews were the objects of violence. Mr. Danon's desires to deport the city's African residents “to detention facilities and remove Africans from population centers".
Obama and Susan Rice cannot turn a blind eye to this as well as the average American citizen. Fromm my perspective, I cannot have a disdain for what is going on in Syria without have the same bad taste for Israel and their treatment of Africans or the massive deaths occurring daily in the Sudan (more than Syria). Racism and xenophobia are huge problems in Israel society that we ignore as a nation. We should hold Israel’s feet to the flame as we do other nations, making them abide by the 1951 UN Refugees convention since Israel is one of the signatory nations. If we do not, we will at least learn something, that In Israel if you are black, the call you nigger too and beat you like the KKK and white citizens councils did across the South in America.
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