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The United States Supreme Court term that starts Monday ispacked with cases with the potential to restrict corporate accountability andlimit everyday Americans’ civil rights and access to justice. According to a report released today by theAlliance for Justice “the majority on the court is likely to live down to itsfull potential,” says AFJ President Nan Aron.

“With polling showing the public increasingly fearful thatcorporations are receiving favorable treatment, the Court risks driftingfurther from the American mainstream and jeopardizing the legitimacy of itsdecisions,” Aron said.
The report, available here, comes on the same day AFJ previews its documentary
Unequal Justice: The Relentless Rise of the1% Court, at American University’s Washington College of Law. The screening, at noon today, will befollowed by a panel discussion.
“The documentary describes a 40-year campaign by bigbusiness to put its thumb on the scales of justice,” Aron said. “AFJ’s
SupremeCourt Preview documents how the campaign may reach its zenith in the termthat starts Monday.
"Decisions this term could harm the ability of consumers,victims of discrimination, victims of human rights abuses and many others tostand up for their rights in court,” Aron said. “This could be The One Percent Court on steroids.”
● AFJ’s Supreme Court Preview.
● Information about AFJ’s First Monday Film: Unequal Justice:The Relentless Rise of the 1% Court
.● Information about today’s screening and panel discussion.
● AFJ Supreme Court poll results.
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