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Obama and Rice Only Black Global Leaders to Vote against Palestine StatehoodOver the past four years, the Obama Administration in concert with his present U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice have been speaking of the importance and the need for America and his administration to show world leadership on the importance of democracy to flourish around the globe. Both have spoken vehemently on the importance of supporting democracy in Syria, Libya and Egypt among other nations hit by the Arab protest earlier this year. However, the word democracy is never used by the world’s leading Black global leaders with respect to Palestine.
Case in point, the overwhelming U.N. vote to elevate the status of Palestine at the world body saw the United States via Ambassador Rice on the request of President Obama, vote against the resolution.
Moreover, it showed how the Administration’s policy in the Middle East outs of touch with the rest of the globe.Canada, Panama, the Czech Republic and four tiny Pacific island states were the only ones in the 193-member U.N. General Assembly siding with the U.S. against the Palestinian Authority’s request for nonmember observer state status in a losing effort resulting in a 138-9 vote, with 41 abstentions in support of the measure. France, Italy, Spain, Norway, Denmark and Turkey were among the U.S. allies voting in support of the resolution.The blatant hypocrisy of this vote on behalf of the United States was made even more political when Ambassador Rice indicated that they were against the motion because it would disrupt the peace process (albeit Obama has not had any success nor made any effort to negotiate a serious peace between Israel and the Palestinians). The issue of Palestinian statehood and self determination has been festering for 65 years regarding mostly territory and sovereignty.
However, it should not be surprising, given the Obama administration sides with Israel as US foreign policy in the region has done historically, making no real effort t support a two state solution. Not to mention the Israeli government can do what it pleases to violate civil rights and the Obama Administration will look away. To date the Obama Administration and Ambassador Rice have yet to speak against Israel’s treatment of African Immigrants and refugees – burning and closing their stores, rounding them up like Apartied South Africa and holding them in detention centers as Hilter once did the Jews.
Speaking of Africans, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu suggest that African immigrants threaten the Jewish character of Israel and that all Blacks will on arrival be placed immediately in the many detention centers and containment camps to house tens of thousands. One opinion poll showed 52 percent of Israelis agree that the Africans are "a cancer".
Obama and Rice will never speak out against Israel although not doing so shows their selective views on democracy, especially as the only two major world leaders not to side by Palestinian statehood and self-determination. In many respects, it as if they support Apartied over the rights and liberties of the people.
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