Within the next week, citizensin every state will come together to cast their votes for President, Congress,and other state and local offices. The right to cast those votes – to electleaders who represent us – is at the heart of our democratic system. But thisyear, that right is in danger.
Our system of fair and freeelections is under attack on multiple fronts. The Supreme Court’s decision inCitizens United opened the floodgates for special interest money and corporateinfluence in politics. At the same time, a rash of voter suppression laws inmore than 30 states has threatened to make voting difficult, if not impossible,for millions of Americans.
Throughout the history of ournation, powerful politicians and interest groups have tried to block eligiblevoters from casting a ballot. For much of the twentieth century, they usedliteracy tests or demanded poll taxes. Today they ask for photo voter ID, or createrestrictive voter registration schemes. These laws, combined with the challengeposed by limitless corporate influence, strike at the very core of ourdemocracy.
Our nation’s history has been ajourney towards true equality and the promise of a government of, by and forthe people. Just as we have overcome many obstacles to achieve that promise, weare now committed to standing up against the pervasive, corrupting influence ofan electoral system that auctions offices to the highest bidder and suppressesthe vote of millions of Americans.
No matter what happens onNovember 6th, these threats must be addressed on November 7th and beyond.Together with our allies across the political spectrum, we pledge to fight forthe rights of all voters in our nation and to move that much closer to creatinga more perfect union. The future of our democracy depends on it.
The full list oforganizations joining this effort is available here.
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