BlackFriday Protests at Walmart
This Friday, thenation’s biggest shopping day, thousands of Americans will be calling onWalmart to improve working conditions at its stores and warehouses. The Black Friday day of action is the culmination of a wave of worker activism thatstarted in October with an historic walkout in Los Angeles.
As the recentrecession accelerated the growth of the part-time economy, theopposition to Walmart’s practices takes on renewed relevance. Walmartsets an industry standard by creating part-time positions with low wages,unaffordable benefits, erratic scheduling, and unsafe workplaces.
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Andthere’s more about the campaign in this guest blog from Erica Smiley,Campaigns Director for Jobs with Justice and American Rights at Work
Walmart Can Change Its Ways — if WeMake Them
Goodjobs are the cornerstone of a strong, healthy economy. A good job is onewhere workers have collective bargaining rights, employment security, and wagesand benefits that allow their families to enjoy a decent standard ofliving. Thus, organizing to transform the economy means organizing totransform work into permanent, secure jobs where workers have dignity andrespect.
Read the full posthere
The many complaints against Walmart include widespreaddiscrimination against women. Thecurrent protests are needed in part because the Supreme Court failed the womenof Walmart when they ruled against them in a class-action suit. The Walmart case is among those featured inAFJ’s documentary Unequal Justice: TheRelentless Rise of the 1% Court.
On Tuesday, Sarita Gupta, executive director of Jobs withJustice and American Rights at Work will discuss the Walmart campaign at theformal premiere of Unequal Justice inWashington. She’ll be part of a panelthat also includes AFJ President Nan Aron, Pam Gilbert, former executivedirector of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and Linda Lipsen, CEOof the American Association for Justice. Theevent is free, and there’s still time to register here.
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