We are pleased that, so soon after re-election, President Obama appears to be making it a top priority to fill longstanding vacancies on the federal courts.
President Obama says that these nominees "have demonstrated the talent, expertise, andfair-mindedness Americans expect and deserve from their judicial system. They also represent my continued commitment to ensure that the judiciaryresembles the nation it serves."
We agree. These nominations continue the president’s exemplary record when it comes to diversity in gender, ethnicity and sexual orientation – the best record of any president (for details, see AFJ’s Judicial Selection Snapshot). In addition, we are pleased that two of the nominees come from professional backgrounds that include service to everyday Americans and reflect the full diversity of the legal profession. Raymond Moore, nominated for the District of Colorado, is the chief public defender for federal cases in Colorado and Wyoming, and Judge Will Thomas, nominated for the Southern District of Florida is a former public defender.
Meanwhile, 19 other nominees, already put forward by the presidentand approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee, await action by the full Senateduring the current lame-duck session. This at a time when there arescores of vacancies on the federal bench. There is much truth to thecliché that justice delayed is justice denied. These nominations bringthousands of Americans a step closer to justice.
The Senate should vote, now, to confirm those nominees. Please click here to tell your Senator to do just that.
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